Variable wssConst

wss: NetworkObjType = ...

An object of default websocket strings, indexed by network name.


Using the full object...

import xdir from 'xdir';

const mainnet_wss = xdir.wss

// mainnet_wss = {
// mainnet: 'wss://',
// testnet: 'wss://',
// hooks: 'wss://',
// xevm: null,
// devnet: 'wss://',
// xls20: 'wss://',
// amm: 'wss://',
// ...
// }

Getting a specific network websocket string...

import xdir from 'xdir';

const mainnet_wss = xdir.wss.mainnet // "wss://"

Usage with xrpljs...

import xdir from 'xdir';
import xrpl from 'xrpl';

const client = new xrpl.client(xdir.wss.mainnet)

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